RAASE CHARITABLE TRUST was founded in the year 2008 by me in the memory of my grand father N.P.Sellapan and one of my best friend RAJESH. The trust  is working with its activities spread in the regions of Namakkal.The trust has it's own set of goals and activities and for most part, it works in collaboration with N.P.S educational trust.

                With a vision of bringing in the idea of mutual living between the humans, the trust activities are mainly focused to the rural areas where a great number of population are still in a state of despair. Thereby we are strongly working on those kind of people to uplift them to the world of development filled with technologies.
                RCT has its works mainly concentrated in the regions of kolli hills, a hilly area in Namakkal district. Its a place filled with ancient history, a place which is said to be the home for many spiritual gurus ( SIDHARS ) thus giving it its nick name SIDHAR BOOMI. Also its very famous for the herbal plants which are said to cure any kind of diseases in this world. With all this credentials and specialties for the natural gift it has there has been no consideration for the people living there. 
              The entire hill is 9 km in radius and has population of 100000000 people. 90 percent of the population belong to tribal community MALAYALI. The main source of living in this region is through agriculture mainly comprising of pineapples, jack fruits and banana. The people of this are still in the ancient days both in social and individual characters. No special care for the development of these people has been still though there is huge support from the government nothing reaches these people properly. Even though if they come across such supports they don't know later benefits of the support that is provided. With such a isolated living the people here are still living in a mode were the future generations will find it very difficult to cope with the rapid developing world.

             The sad thing about these people are most of the villages do not even have access to transport facilities and though few parts of the regions have this facility it is not very often. the next critical issue is education, kolli hills being in namakkal district, the district that is very famous for the educational institutions present here there are over 300 schools currently in this district, but sadly the people of kolli hills have only 1 higher secondary school for the entire hill station and just 2 more coming up. with such a great population a large landscape and improper transport facilities it makes it difficult for the students to attend schools regularly. Most students walk from 5-20 kms daily to attend their classes, just imagine how can these students concentrate on their studies thereby resulting in a large number of drop-outs and many not even going to schools.

          Though some students struggle and finish their higher secondary they do not have proper exposure to plan about their future and thereby pushing them back to their parents job either farming or work for daily wages thus merely wasting all the sheer hard work they put in to finish their schooling.

             RCT seeking these issues of the people it has been enabling various support to the people by various means. Mainly trying to create awareness of the world that exists outside them and trying to motivate them to develop them individually and simultaneously the growth of the society. RCT has initially began its activities by providing vocational training in fi fields such as Computer and training to those students who have lost their studies in the half way through, thereby giving them a new hope for their living. This activity is mainly concentrated towards the youths as the fate of the society is mainly in their hands. Also RCTis providing evening tuition for school students to support their studies as most of their parents are uneducated which makes it tough for them to study at home.

          With hopes that today's help will reap one day to create a society of good values. RCT is currently sponsoring two talented youths to support their Higher education and help them fulfill their dreams.

           With all this primary activities RCT holds a strong hand with NPS Educational trust for the smooth functioning of the residential school for the school drop-out students. 

            RCT is also involved in few other social activities such as Tree planting, Awareness programs, Medical camps etc.